Harvest Conference Staff

Interim-Superintendent Carl Radcliff is a lifelong native of Clarksburg, West Virginia, and has been serving
the Fairmont Free Methodist church
since Oct., 2004 after joining the Free Methodist family. He is married to Sonja Radcliff and together they have three adult sons, Joshua, Adam, and Gabriel.
Carl was called to pastoral ministry in 1995 and received his 1st lead pastor appointment in June 2001. He became an Ordained Elder in 2008 under Bishop Kendall and Supt. James (Bishop Emeritus) in the Wabash Conference. He later was appointed as assistant superintendent in 2017 under Supt John Lane. He has been serving as the assistant superintendent since transferring to the Pittsburgh (Harvest) Conference in 2018.
Previously, Carl had served the Bristol UMC Charge in the Salem, WV area while overseeing 4 churches: Bristol, Wolf Summit, Coplin, and Grass Run UMCs’.
In 2011-12 he led his congregation in raising funds to build a church in India, with Bishop Gollapalli in the Agape Conference for the Chenchu tribal people. Carl ended his bi-vocational career of 25 years in 2014 after retiring from the City of Philippi as a CATV engineer and supervisor.
In 2011-12 he led his congregation in raising funds to build a church in India, with Bishop Gollapalli in the Agape Conference for the Chenchu tribal people. Carl ended his bi-vocational career of 25 years in 2014 after retiring from the City of Philippi as a CATV engineer and supervisor.
A devoted follower of Jesus whose heart of compassion pours forth in everything he does it is easy to see that Carl truly loves the local and global church as he and his “equally yoked” wife, Sonja serve The Lord together.
For fun and refueling, Carl enjoys family outings, camping, fishing, hunting, and vacationing wherever Sonja takes him.
For fun and refueling, Carl enjoys family outings, camping, fishing, hunting, and vacationing wherever Sonja takes him.

Matt is also the CEO of a non-profit that serves people with intellectual and physical disabilities and autism. Through this role, Matt has been and is currently active on many statewide boards. He has been President and Vice President of many of them and is still very active on these boards, currently still serving as Vice-President of one of them. He has also in the past served on the PA Governor’s Commission on Long-Term Care and has received a number of awards for his community service.
Matt began attending the church he now serves when he was three years old and became the church’s Pastor in 2005. Matt and his beautiful wife Jessica were married in August 1999. Together they have 7 boys (4 of the boys they began to raise when the boys were teens) 1 girl, and now 3 grandchildren. When Matt gets down time he enjoys spending time and traveling with his family and enjoys watching and playing sports, especially hockey.
A devoted follower of Jesus Matt has a strong desire to see people experience a life change that can only happen by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and by dedicating their lives to Jesus.

Marlene McRoberts
Conference Administrator
Office: (878)-207-2937
Fax: (878)-207-2936
Email: pghfmc@gmail.com

Rev. Collene Carney
Missions Director/Liaison
Office: (878)-207-2937
Cell: (724)-513-9114
Email: pastorcollene@yahoo.com

Rev. Emilee Smith
Youth Director
Office: (878)-207-2937
Cell: (724)-630-4095
Email: emileejosmith@gmail.com

Brian Daniels
Bible Quiz Director
Office: (878)-207-2937
Cell: (724)-506-3319
Email: bdaniels1983@gmail.com

Jennifer Thorn
Website Manager/ Administrative Asst.
Office: (878)-207-2937
Cell: (878)-348-7938
Email: jenhimelsbaugh@yahoo.com